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You wouldn’t brainstorm in the office kitchen just as you wouldn’t put the social noticeboard in the meeting room. Well, with a mobile whiteboard, you can have the best of both worlds.
Need a notice board at the front-of-office today? Shift the board. Looking to brainstorm the next big project in an informal setting? Wheel the board on over to the couches. Need to convert the shop floor into a group training room for the week? A couple of whiteboards make any space into a classroom. The versatility of a mobile glass whiteboard is only limited by your imagination.
When your white board is on the move, the chances of it taking accidental damage - bangs, scrapes and whacks - goes way up. Melamine whiteboards, in particular, seem to somehow develop transit damage out of nowhere. And we all know what happens when metal gets scratched: rust.
Glass whiteboards are the toughest on the market so they make ideal mobile boards. Even if they take a few knocks when loaded into the back of a truck, they tend not to show it. So, they’ll look as good as new and still be a pleasure to use when you set them back up.
Mobile whiteboards get a lot of varied use. Particularly if one board is shared throughout an office, the task of cleaning it after the previous user is finished can easily become a chore. Not so with glass whiteboards. They’re incredibly quick and easy to clean, saving you and your employees time and effort in the long run.
Typically, glass whiteboards are made from a sheet of toughened “Starphire” safety glass which is backed by a coloured panel. This construction means glass whiteboards are tougher, nicer to write on, higher quality and more attractive than the other kinds of whiteboard. Moreover, glass whiteboards can be magnetic or non-magnetic and are available in any colour from the Dulux paint range.
Melamine whiteboards are the discount end of the whiteboard market and quality reflects price. These boards are made of resin-infused paper fixed to a backing of medium-density fibreboard or particle board. Even the best melamine boards don’t stand up to heavy use. The surface quickly wears down and becomes prone to ghosting and stains.
These whiteboards are comprised of a steel or aluminium sheet coated with a base colour and then the dry-erase layer. The quality of these boards varies. Commercial-grade materials typically yield a better product but, as with any sheet of metal, these are susceptible to dents and scratches. H3: Porcelain boards Porcelain whiteboards are generally steel boards with a tough, ceramic coating that’s been kiln-fired directly onto the surface. These boards are one of the most durable on the market and typically come with a lifetime warranty. While porcelain boards are generally easier to clean than cheaper alternatives they can still “ghost”.
Mobile glass whiteboards are as useful as they are versatile. They can facilitate hot-desking, step up your trade-show game, let you configure your office spaces for different applications, and more.
What’s more, the use of quality tempered glass also ensures your board will weather any bumps, scrapes and wear without a sweat. Add in the ease of use and cleaning and you have a five-star resource at your fingertips.
Now that you have reached the end of the article, you can see how a mobile glassboard can be a great investment in any office, workplace or classroom.
If you’re interested in picking up your own mobile glassboard, give the team at JustBoards a call on 1800 654 917 or send an email to info@justboards.com.au
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This is our promise.
We proudly offer FREE Ground Floor Delivery to BRISBANE, SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, ADELAIDE, PERTH, HOBART, DARWIN, CANBERRA and many other surrounding metro areas.
Learn moreQuality whiteboards have to be durable, non porous and magnetic, not just white boards.
Porcelain whiteboards are the best choice for heavy duty users such as schools & universities. Porcelain Whiteboards featured a baked enamel surface and have a 25 year surface warranty.
Commercial (acrylic) whiteboards are more economical, for less intense use and are guaranteed with an 8 year warranty
Confidently buy WhiteBoards, Glass Boards, Notice Boards & Educational Products from JustBoards, an Australian owned and operated company providing exceptional service and delivery of quality Educational and Hospitality Products.
The JustBoards team are committed to friendly & efficient service and are always on hand to provide advice via phone call or email.
Based in Brisbane, we deliver Australia Wide with FREE Ground Floor Delivery for all orders over $150 delivered within a Capital City Metro Area and selected surrounding suburbs including the Sunshine Coast & Gold Coast.
Supplying, Schools, Universities, Kindergartens, Child Care Centres, Hospitals, Medical Centres, Airports, Transport Companies, Local State & Federal Government departments, Clubs, Pubs, Cafes, Mining Companies, Coffee Shops, Restaurants, Resorts,Cruise Lines, Police, Fire, Ambulance, SES, Defence Forces, Banks, Shopping Centres
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